Tuesday, October 23, 2012

“Urbanism in an Age of Austerity (UAA)”/AHRC first partners meeting in Newcastle UK

SARCHA joined the first meeting of the “Urbanism in an Age of Austerity (UAA)” partners in Newcastle on October 19, 2012. This was a productive brainstorming and the ideas put forward will be transformed into an EU proposal to be submitted for funding in the coming months. An open call for the involvement of SARCHA associates will be launched in 2013. See below the meeting’s agenda

Schedule for (UAA)”/AHRC meeting
Newcastle University - Friday 19 October 2012
Location: Boardroom (2.23), Research Beehive, Newcastle University
09.30 Introduction and coffee
10.00 Brief (15 min) presentations by participants, introducing themselves and their work, their response to the theme, ways their work can relate to it, etc.
Ben Cope Laboratory of Critical Urbanism, European Humanities University, Vilnius LITHUANIA
Mark Dorrian School of Architecture, Planning and Landscape, Newcastle University UK
Mike Duff Sustainable Urbanism & Future Cities - WSP Group UK
Igor Kovacevic CCEA Center for Central European Architecture, Prague, CZECH REPUBLIC
(11.00 Coffee)
Amy Kulper Taubman College of Architecture and Urban Planning, University of Michigan / Wayne State University USA
Andreas Philippopoulos-Mihalopoulos Westminster International Law and Theory Centre, University of Westminster, London UK
Maria Theodorou SARCHA (School of ARCHitecture for All) Athens GREECE
David Turnbull ATOPIA Research Inc - Princeton USA (not able to attend)
12.15 Joint discussion about ‘work package’ structure (the way the research project is broken down into areas of study)
13.00 Lunch
14.00 Presentation by Kati Schwab (Newcastle University’s Assistant EU Funding Manager)
14.30 Break out discussions in smaller groups about detailed content of proposal, work package breakdowns, other possible participants etc.
(15.30 Coffee)
17.00 Reporting of discussions, agreement of responsibilities, make inroads into drafting proposal
18.30 Close
20.00 Dinner
SARCHA associate, Lina Liakou undertook the daunting task to keep notes of the meeting
See more on the UAA at http://www.sarcha-architecture.blogspot.co.uk/2012/10/architecture-in-age-of-austerity-uaa.html

Tuesday, October 09, 2012

On What We Can Not Do: SARCHA invites you to think it through today

An Invitation to a Greek stasis

On the occasion of A. Merkel’s official visit in Athens (9/10/2012), this invitation is addressed to Greeks and their friends worldwide

for 5 min 18.00-18.05 (athens time) to stand up wherever they are and think in silence and immobility how the place they stand and the life they conduct have been shaped by forces they cannot understand far more control.

It is the things that we decide we CAN or we CAN NOT do that make up our human potentiality
and as it appears, it has been swept away by the markets’ demand for flexibility.

Greeks and their friends can stand in silence and start counting down the time of the ‘I can do it all’.

(An invitation based on G. Agamben’s text “On What We Can Not Do”)

Πρόσκληση για μια ελληνική στάση

Με την ευκαιρία της επίσημης επίσκεψης της Α. Μέρκελ στην Αθήνα (9/10/2012) αυτή η πρόσκληση απευθύνεται στους έλληνες και στους φίλους τους ανα τον κόσμο

για 5 λεπτά 18.00-18.05 (ώρα Αθήνας), να σταθούν όπου και να βρίσκονται και να σκεφτούν μέσα στη σιωπή και την ακινησία το πώς ο τόπος που βρίσκονται και η ζωή που διάγουν έχει διαμορφωθεί από δυνάμεις που δεν τις κατανοούν πολύ μάλλον δεν τις ελέγχουν.

Τα πράγματα που αποφασίζουμε ότι ΜΠΟΡΟΥΜΕ ή ότι ΔΕΝ ΜΠΟΡΟΥΜΕ να κάνουμε, συνιστούν την ανθρώπινη μας δυνατότητα
η οποία φαίνεται να έχει σαρωθεί από την απαίτηση των αγορών για ευελιξία.

Οι Έλληνες και οι φίλοι τους μπορούν να σταθούν στη σιωπή και μετά να αρχίσουν την αντίστροφη μέτρηση της εποχής του «μπορώ και τα κάνω όλα».

(Mια πρόσκληση βασισμένη στο κείμενο του G. Agamben “On What We Can Not Do”)

Urbanism in an Age of Austerity (UAA): SARCHA, partners and the AHRC UK funding

SARCHA joined forces with a number of EU and international Partners. Under the coordination of prof. Mark Dorrian Newcastle School of Architecture (also a SARCHA advisory board member), they submitted a proposal and got the Art and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) UK funding to hold meetings and work towards an EU proposal. The proposal's topic is Urbanism in an Age of Austerity (UAA) and is expected to be ready for submission in few months. A first meeting of partners will take place in Newcastle on October 19, 2012.

Partners include


Prof Mark Dorrian, School of Architecture, Planning and Landscape, Newcastle University UK


Dr Maria Theodorou, SARCHA (School of ARCHitecture for All) Athens GREECE

Dr Ben Cope, Laboratory of Critical Urbanism, European Humanities University, Vilnius LITHUANIA

Igor Kovacevic and Yvette Vasoukova, CCEA Center for Central European Architecture, Prague, CZECH REPUBLIC

David Turnbull and Jane Harrison, ATOPIA Research Inc - Princeton USA

Dr Amy Kulper, Taubman College of Architecture and Urban Planning, University of Michigan / Wayne State University USA

Prof Andreas Philippopoulos-Mihalopoulos and Julia H. Chryssostalis, Westminster International Law and Theory Centre, University of Westminster, London UK

Mike Duff, Sustainable Urbanism & Future Cities - WSP Group UK

Duncan McCorquodale, Black Dog Publishing, London UK

More on how SARCHA associates might be involved will be announced - as always - by the means of an open call, in due time.

‘The Housing of Democracy’: Dr Maria Theodorou, key note at the Southampton’s Law School Workshop

Dr Maria Theodorou was a key note speaker at ‘The Architecture of Community’ Workshop at the Southampton Law School on September 6, 2012. She delivered a paper entitled ‘The Housing of Democracy’. The paper abstract has been uploaded at http://www.sarcha.gr/Resources.aspx 

The City Flow Game: SARCHA met SIZ

SARCHA associates met the SIZ Systemic Innovation Zone ~ Hellas team and experimented together by playing ‘The City Flow Game’ hosted by the Athens Plaython on September 30, 2012.
Watch the video under the title Flowgame Athens at www.youtube.com