Animated discussion on another type of
architectural history
over a warm communal soup
On February 6, 2014, the hosted a handful of
SARCHA associates and first year students from the Leeds school of architecture, at
their strategically placed headquarters at 88 Fleet Street in London.
During the tour of the building, everyone
had the ‘fleeting’ experience of ‘keep an eye’ on Goldman Sachs activities; for
the maydayroom brick terrace overlooks the Goldman Sachs glass building across the street.
The ‘fleeting’ experience of ‘keeping an
eye’ on
Goldman Sachs headquarters across the street.
Under the rain: peripateia in the radical
history of
London printing around Fleet Street
Under the rain, the visit concluded
with a peripateia in the radical history of London printing around Fleet Street.
A next visit to discuss the work of students and SARCHA associates is planned for