Monday, November 19, 2012

SARCHA @ DISSIDENCE - AHRA Conference London

SARCHA’s work was presented at the
 Architecture and the Paradox of Dissidence”,  
9th International Conference of the Architectural Humanities Research Association (AHRA)
 organised by the School of Architecture, London Metropolitan University, on 15-17 November 2012. Dr Maria Theodorou presented the paper entitled
 “Entering an Unpredictable Path: The work of SARCHA in the Center of Athens
in the “Activism and Pedagogy” panel.
To read the abstract, download the conference programme at   


olric said...

How can we read the whole paper ? said...

It is in preparation to be published in the confernece proceeding and we will post the link at this blog once it is ready.

Architect Ireland said...

This is a really looking awesome. House Design Architecture Dublin that you are amongst the best blogger I have read. Thanks for posting this
informative article.

Thanks its a great information!!!