Tuesday, October 09, 2012

Urbanism in an Age of Austerity (UAA): SARCHA, partners and the AHRC UK funding

SARCHA joined forces with a number of EU and international Partners. Under the coordination of prof. Mark Dorrian Newcastle School of Architecture (also a SARCHA advisory board member), they submitted a proposal and got the Art and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) UK funding to hold meetings and work towards an EU proposal. The proposal's topic is Urbanism in an Age of Austerity (UAA) and is expected to be ready for submission in few months. A first meeting of partners will take place in Newcastle on October 19, 2012.

Partners include


Prof Mark Dorrian, School of Architecture, Planning and Landscape, Newcastle University UK


Dr Maria Theodorou, SARCHA (School of ARCHitecture for All) Athens GREECE

Dr Ben Cope, Laboratory of Critical Urbanism, European Humanities University, Vilnius LITHUANIA

Igor Kovacevic and Yvette Vasoukova, CCEA Center for Central European Architecture, Prague, CZECH REPUBLIC

David Turnbull and Jane Harrison, ATOPIA Research Inc - Princeton USA

Dr Amy Kulper, Taubman College of Architecture and Urban Planning, University of Michigan / Wayne State University USA

Prof Andreas Philippopoulos-Mihalopoulos and Julia H. Chryssostalis, Westminster International Law and Theory Centre, University of Westminster, London UK

Mike Duff, Sustainable Urbanism & Future Cities - WSP Group UK

Duncan McCorquodale, Black Dog Publishing, London UK

More on how SARCHA associates might be involved will be announced - as always - by the means of an open call, in due time.

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